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Adding and Updating Sub-Profiles

Want to add or update Sub-Profiles in your Partner Portal? Watch this short video to learn how!

Recap – Adding and Updating Sub-Profiles in your Partner Portal

**Sub-profile information is used to brand your Dent Ops estimates!!**

Creating a New Sub-Profile

  1. Access your Sub-Profiles page at
    1. OR log into your Partner Portal at
    2. Navigate to the “Profile” page.
    3. Select “Sub-profile”.
  2. Click the blue “New” button.
  3. Enter all of the information for the new sub-profile.
  4. Click “Add”. The page will refresh and you should see a new row added to your sub-profile list!

Editing Sub-Profiles

  1. Select whichever sub-profile you wish to edit.
  2. Edit any sub-profile information you wish to change. This may include the branding/delivery email, phone number, address, labor rates, and tax rates. **You can also select if you would like to recieve AWF files along with your estimate!**
  3. Make sure to click “Save changes” when you’re finished to lock in any updates!


If you encounter any issues, please reach out to our support team at

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