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Import Dent Ops Estimates Into Another CCC Account
Want to import Dent Ops estimates into yours or your body shop partner’s CCC account? Watch this short video to learn how!
Recap – Importing Dent Ops Estimates Into Another CCC Account
Configuring your Computer
- Sign into your CCC account on a PC
- Click the Configure dropdown
- Select Machine Settings
- Select File Import, check the box to Enable Imports
- Under Import Type select “CIECA/EMS Files”
- On your desktop, create a new folder called “AWF Import”
- Back in CCC in the Machine Settings section, under Directory, click the […] box to select a folder on your computer. Find and select the “AWF Import” folder you just created.
- Click OK. Your computer is configured to import Dent Ops CCC estimates!
Importing an Estimate
- Find the AWF file for the estimate you want to import. Download it onto your computer, and move it to the “AWF Import” file you created during the Configuring your Computer steps above.
- Click the Action dropdown
- Select Import Workfile Copy
- Select Import copy of workfile from disk
- Click Next
- Click the search icon to find your AWF file in your “AWF Import” folder. Select the right AWF file.
- Click Next, give the system a a moment to import the file.
- Click Refresh to refresh the results page, and you should see the Copied Workfile!
Merging Dent Ops Estimate with Another Estimate
- After you have imported an AWF file into your account (see steps above), select the Copied Workfile to display the workfile’s option menu.
- Select the workfile’s Action dropdown, and choose Merge
- In the Select Workfile page that appears, search for the workfile that you want to merge your Dent Ops estimate with.
- Click Next
- Follow any remaining prompts to finish merging your estimate!
If you encounter any issues, please reach out to our support team at, including a note about what you need and identifying information about the file you need help with.